Personal Introduction 个人介绍

I am Yanbin Huang, also known as Rafaella. In this project, I was responsible for developing the digging mechanic for the shovel, scripting the evil bubble functionality, and creating the music and sound effects for the game.

我是黄滟彬(Yanbin Huang),亦称 Rafaella。在本项目中,我负责开发铲子的挖掘机制、编写邪恶气泡的功能脚本,并创作游戏的音乐和音效。

Brief of Project Concept + Overview 项目概念与概览

Project Concept 项目概念

Bloomiverse is an AR gardening adventure where players take on the role of a magical gardener. Through mystical portals, players collect seeds from another world and use tools like shovels, watering cans, and flowerpots to grow plants in their real-world environment. Players must also defend their seedlings by popping evil bubbles that appear randomly to threaten the plants. The ultimate goal is to cultivate the legendary White Plant King by feeding it energy crystals produced by mature plants.

《Bloomiverse》 是一款 AR 园艺冒险游戏,玩家将扮演一位魔法园丁。通过神秘的传送门,玩家可以收集来自异世界的种子,并使用铲子、洒水壶、花盆等工具,在现实环境中培育奇幻植物。在种植过程中,玩家不仅要细心照料植物的成长,还需防御随机出现、威胁幼苗生长的邪恶气泡。最终目标是通过成熟植物产生的能量结晶,培养出传说中的白色植物王(White Plant King)。

How It Meets the Brief 如何契合项目需求

1. Immersive AR Gameplay 沉浸式 AR 游戏体验

  • Bloomiverse utilizes AR technology to seamlessly blend the real and virtual worlds. The area outside the portal combines the player’s real-world environment with augmented virtual elements, such as plants, tools, and bubbles, creating an interactive magical garden.

  • The interior of the portal, however, transports players to a fully virtual world, offering a stark contrast and emphasizing the portal’s mystical nature.

  • Players use a right-hand controller for precise and intuitive interactions, eliminating the need for complex gesture recognition while ensuring accessibility.

  • 《Bloomiverse》充分运用 AR 技术,将现实与虚拟世界无缝融合。传送门外的区域结合了玩家的现实环境与增强现实元素,如植物、工具和气泡,使其仿佛置身于一个互动式的魔法花园。

  • 传送门内部则是一个完全虚拟的世界,与现实形成鲜明对比,进一步强调传送门的神秘感。

  • 此外,游戏采用右手控制器,提供精准且直观的交互方式,避免复杂的手势识别机制,提高游戏的可玩性与可及性。

2. Innovative Interactions 创新的互动方式

  • The gameplay includes intuitive controls for selecting and using tools such as shovels, watering cans, and flowerpots.

  • A dynamic bubble-popping mechanic adds an exciting layer of defense, making the experience more engaging and tactile with haptic feedback through controller vibrations. This combination of tools and mechanics creates a well-rounded interactive experience.

  • 游戏提供直观的交互方式,使玩家能够轻松选择并使用铲子、洒水壶、花盆等工具进行种植操作。

  • 此外,动态戳泡泡机制(Bubble-Popping Mechanic)增加了一层紧张刺激的防御玩法,让玩家在照料植物的同时,还能通过手柄震动获得更具触感的互动体验。这种工具与机制的结合使游戏玩法更加丰富多元。

3. Unique and Challenging Objectives 独特且富有挑战性的目标

  • The gameplay balances calm, meditative gardening activities like planting seeds and nurturing plants with active challenges like protecting seedlings from evil bubbles.

  • Growing the White Plant King, which requires careful management of resources and energy crystals, provides a satisfying long-term goal, encouraging strategic planning and creativity.

  • 游戏巧妙融合了宁静的园艺活动(如播种与养护)与紧张的挑战(如保护幼苗免受邪恶气泡侵害),打造平衡的游戏节奏。

  • 最终目标是培养传说中的白色植物王(White Plant King),这一目标需要玩家精心管理资源,并利用成熟植物产出的能量结晶进行培育。其策略性与创造性兼具,为玩家提供了长线的游戏动力与满足感。

4. Engaging Visual and Audio Design 引人入胜的视觉与音频设计

  • The project incorporates custom 3D modeling and artwork to create a magical and whimsical visual atmosphere, including the intricate design of the portal, tools, and plants.

  • A carefully composed soundtrack featuring mystical and calming melodies enhances the magical ambiance, immersing players in the fantastical world of Bloomiverse, both in the augmented real-world garden and within the fully virtual portal world.

  • 项目融合原创3D 建模与美术设计,营造充满魔幻与奇幻色彩的视觉体验,包括精细雕琢的传送门、工具、植物等元素。

  • 此外,精心编排的原声音轨结合神秘且治愈的旋律,进一步强化游戏的魔法氛围,让玩家无论在增强现实的花园世界还是在完全虚拟的传送门世界,都能沉浸其中。

Related material 相关资料

We gained insights into AR project setup in Unity from the Bilibili video series 《[硬核的XR王师傅的个人空间-硬核的XR王师傅个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频]》, which provided valuable knowledge on configuring the environment. Additionally, the YouTube channel Valem Tutorials, particularly the videos “[Mixed Reality Scene Information with Meta MR Utility Kit - Unity Tutorial]” and “[How to make a Portal Effect in Mixed Reality - Unity Tutorial]”, introduced the use of the MRTK toolkit and the implementation of virtual portal effects. These resources were instrumental in the successful development of the core functionalities of our project.

我们从 B 站的系列视频《[硬核的XR王师傅的个人空间-硬核的XR王师傅个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频]》中获取了关于Unity中AR项目搭建的重要见解,该系列为环境配置提供了宝贵的知识。此外,YouTube 频道 Valem Tutorials 的相关视频——《[Mixed Reality Scene Information with Meta MR Utility Kit - Unity Tutorial]》和《[How to make a Portal Effect in Mixed Reality - Unity Tutorial]》——介绍了MRTK工具包的使用及虚拟传送门效果的实现,这些资源对我们项目核心功能的成功开发起到了关键作用。

Contribution Breakdown 贡献分工

Shovel 铲子

This script manages the shovel's digging functionality. Mounted on the shovel head, it detects collisions with diggable surfaces to ensure that holes are only created when the shovel is actively used, enhancing immersion and precise control. Additionally, the script adapts to different environments by dynamically identifying ground objects.


Dirt Hole 土坑

This script controls the lifecycle of dirt holes created by the shovel, ensuring they disappear after a set time to optimize performance. It also prevents overlapping dirt holes by removing older ones when new ones are created in the same area. These features maintain a clean and organized scene, enhancing the gameplay experience.


Bubble Spawner 气泡生成器

This script manages the spawning of evil bubbles, ensuring they appear randomly within a defined area at dynamic intervals. It limits the maximum number of bubbles to maintain balance and tracks their lifecycle to allow continuous gameplay.


Evil Bubble Behavior 邪恶气泡行为

This script defines the behavior logic of evil bubbles, including their movement, target-seeking, and interaction with objects. The bubbles move toward the closest target, either normal plants or the White Plant King, and deal damage or destroy the target upon collision. Random movement is used when no target is found, and bounds are checked to ensure bubbles stay within the designated area.


Music & Sound Design 音乐与音效设计

The audio design, created using Cubase, focuses on enhancing the magical and otherworldly atmosphere of the game. The background music (BGM) combines space-like white noise with layered string instruments to evoke the feeling of being under a starry sky in an alien realm. Harp sounds are used to mimic the act of watering plants, while woodwind instruments are employed to create maturity cues for plants, with distinct but thematically connected tunes for normal plants and the White Plant King. A bell chime serves as the notification sound for the portal, and Shakers are used to craft interactive sound effects such as digging, planting, and other actions.

游戏的音频设计由 Cubase 制作,旨在强化其魔幻与异世界氛围。背景音乐(BGM)融合了宇宙感的白噪音与层叠的弦乐,营造出仿佛置身星空下的异界体验。在交互音效方面,竖琴声模拟了浇水的动作,木管乐器用于植物成熟的提示音,其中普通植物和白色植物王分别拥有独立但风格统一的旋律。此外,传送门的通知音由钟声呈现,而摇奏打击乐(Shakers)用于塑造挖掘、种植等交互音效,增强沉浸感与反馈体验。

Ordinary Plant Grown
White Plant King Grown

Walk-through Video 演示视频

Reflection 项目总结

This project was an enriching experience in AR game development and collaboration. Overall, my tasks, including implementing the digging mechanic, generating evil bubbles, and designing music and sound effects, were completed smoothly. However, the development process also presented challenges that offered valuable lessons.

One of the main shortcomings was the omission of protective plants with offensive capabilities, a feature we originally planned. Due to limited time and resources, we were unable to implement this mechanic, which would have introduced a layer of strategy to the gameplay. Without it, the game lost some of the depth and variety that could have made the experience more engaging for players. In future projects, better time management and prioritization would help ensure that such important features are not left out.

Another challenge stemmed from miscommunication within the team during development. At one point, a team member made changes to the original plan without informing the rest of the group. This led to work being done on features that were either unnecessary or incompatible with the final implementation. While we ultimately resolved the issue and aligned our efforts, it caused delays and inefficiencies. To address this, I took the initiative to encourage regular progress updates, which improved coordination and helped us move forward. This experience reinforced the importance of maintaining clear and open communication throughout the project. Moving forward, I plan to actively promote transparency and collaboration within any team I work with to avoid similar issues.

Despite these setbacks, our project largely achieved its initial goal of creating an engaging AR gardening experience. We successfully implemented key features such as the portal system and tool-based interactions, which blended the real and virtual worlds effectively. The visual and audio design also contributed significantly to immersing players in the magical atmosphere, aligning with our creative vision.

This project also reinforced the importance of adaptability. While we couldn’t realize every aspect of our initial plan, we focused on delivering a cohesive and enjoyable experience within the given constraints. The ability to pivot and prioritize proved crucial in ensuring the project’s success.

Overall, this experience taught me to balance ambition with practicality, foster effective teamwork, and remain flexible in the face of challenges. These lessons will guide me in future game development endeavors.

本项目是一次关于 AR 游戏开发与团队协作的宝贵经历。总体而言,我负责的任务——挖掘机制的实现、邪恶气泡的生成,以及音乐与音效设计——都顺利完成。然而,开发过程中也遇到了一些挑战,这些经历为我提供了重要的学习机会。



尽管经历了一些挫折,我们仍然成功实现了最初设想的 AR 园艺体验。传送门系统和基于工具的交互让现实与虚拟世界自然融合,视觉与音频设计也为游戏增添了魔幻氛围,与我们的创意愿景高度契合。




Lick Lick Snake 舔舔蛇


Couperin's Tomb 库普兰之墓