Lick Lick Snake


Game Description


This is a 3D walking simulator set in a world made entirely of food, divided into four regions: sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. Players take on the role of a little snake, embarking on an adventure through this whimsical culinary landscape—climbing dessert mountains, crossing coffee rivers… But most importantly, they must search for 12 scattered Taste Orbs, each carrying a fragment of childhood flavor memories. As the snake consumes different foods, its body changes accordingly, which might make the journey easier—or a bit more troublesome!


Link to play 试玩链接: Lick Lick Snake by Arthureset, Rafaella Rara

Youtube: Lick Lick Snake

Bilibili: 蛇年做蛇游!《舔舔蛇(LickLickSnake)》味觉大冒险!_哔哩哔哩bilibili_游戏实况

Inspiration & References 灵感与参考

The classic game Snake served as a reference for our core mechanics. The way the snake's body extends after eating inspired our design, where different foods alter its movement and abilities.


Carl Warner’s Foodscape photography provided inspiration for our world-building, guiding us in creating a playful and immersive edible world.

Carl Warner 的 ”食物景观“ 摄影作品为我们的世界构建提供了灵感,帮助我们打造一个充满趣味性和沉浸感的可食用世界。

Game Elements 游戏元素

Character 角色

The player controls a cute, gluttonous snake, which starts the game with only a head and tail. It can crawl, jump, and swim, while consuming food as it moves. The snake’s body is made up of individual sphere-like segments, which change when it eats different foods, affecting its movement traits and adding more possibilities and challenges to the journey.


World 世界

The game world is divided into four regions, each made up of food representing one of the four flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. In each region, three Taste Orbs are hidden, each carrying a childhood memory related to taste. When touched, subtitles will appear, presenting the corresponding narrative. The methods of obtaining Taste Orbs vary—some are scattered in the environment, some are buried within food, and others require solving small puzzles or overcoming complex terrain. The world features ponds, mountains, snowy fields, waterfalls, and rivers, creating a layered and immersive 3D exploration experience.


Mechanics 机制

The snake's body is affected by licking food, which comes in two types: solid and liquid. Solid food takes effect immediately, while liquid food requires continuous contact for a certain duration to take effect.
Sour food: Adds a green segment, symbolizing sourness.
Sweet food: Adds a pink segment, symbolizing sweetness.
Bitter food: Adds a black segment, symbolizing bitterness.
Spicy food: Allows the snake to breathe fire for a short period, but fire-breathing gradually consumes body segments from the tail forward.
Milk: Stops fire-breathing and adds a default segment (matching the snake’s head color).
Mushrooms: Immediately remove one segment from the body.
The more segments the snake has, the faster it moves and the higher it jumps.
The snake can jump as long as either its head or any of the front four segments is touching the ground.


Personal Contribution 个人贡献

Level Design 关卡设计

Based on the game's narrative and the snake's movement mechanics, food-themed sub-levels were designed to create diverse and engaging ways to obtain Taste Orbs. These sub-levels were then integrated to form a cohesive world map, with a sketched layout created to guide implementation.During the design process, terrain pacing, food placement, and Taste Orb distribution were carefully adjusted for a balanced experience. Additionally, food models were used in place of whitebox placeholders, ensuring a more immersive and thematically consistent exploration experience.


3D Art 3D美术

Designed the snake character with spherical body segments, giving it a round, chubby, and adorable appearance to emphasize its gluttonous nature.
Independently created all 3D models, including the snake and food, and used food models to construct the game environment.
Developed intuitive, thematic color schemes for the sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy regions, applying them to materials and textures to reinforce each area's identity. When the snake eats, the newly added body segments match the regional color scheme, enhancing visual guidance and allowing players to intuitively associate food with its thematic characteristics.


Video & Screenshots 视频与截图


Baby Smoothie 宝宝果泥

